Summer is flying by, and I can't believe we'll be meeting our new grandbaby in less than 3 months! Looking forward to Rachel's baby shower coming up in a couple of weeks, too. Dave and Rachel have been extremely busy in the last couple of weeks. They decided to put their condo up for sale in hopes that they could buy a house in the suburbs before the baby comes. I"m so excited to tell you that they sold the condo after only a couple of weeks on the market! As you know, in this real estate market, that's rare indeed. So now they're starting their search for a house, most likely in Oak Park, where Dave was rasied. We're keeping our fingers crossed for them. Ally has been staying with us recently, and we're really enjoying that, too.
Katie has moved to her new office in the loop, and is loving her shorter commute. She has a very busy summer going on. Next month, Scott and I will be camping with Kate for a week in Door County. Of course Bella is coming, too! We're also going to Chicago for a Journey/Foreigner/Night Ranger concert with Kate at the end of July. She's also been casually dating a couple of guys who actually live in Chicago (as opposed to Michigan) so that's keeping her busy, too. Last but not least, her roommate Justin and his girlfriend (who moved in a month or so ago) have decided to get their own place, so guess what? Time for 2 new roommates. I'm happy to report that Katie has already found one (a girl) and is sure she can find another one soon, too. All the excitement just never ends...
Dave, Rachel, Scott and I had a wonderful week up at Clam Lake in June (at Loon's Landing). Since I've posted all the pictures of that week on my Facebook page, I don't think I'll post them here, but if you'd like to see them, check out my Facebook page....
Rachel had another 3D ultrasound last week - the pictures from that are so exciting to see. She said that baby was being a little stubborn that day and so they couldn't get a lot of pictures, but here are a couple of them...we can't wait to meet our precious grandchild in person soon....
Hope all of you are enjoying the summer that's going by way too fast...lots of love and hugs being sent your way, and hope to see all of you soon.....