Sunday, January 17, 2010

Back Home Again...

Sorry, no pictures to post, just a quick update. Scott and I were in Chicago on Friday and Saturday, for the main purpose of bringing Bella back to Katie, who is now in her apartment. But, of course we always enjoy any reason to visit with Katie, Rachel and Dave, too. We were able to have dinner all together on Friday night at the Adobo Grill, and met up again for a late lunch on Saturday at Moonshine before Scott and I left town. Rachel N. - I think you ate there with Dave & Rachel once. It's close to where they live.

Katie has done a great job getting her apartment ready for her return. She painted her bedroom, the bathroom, and just last night (after we left) she painted one of her kitchen walls a deep red, which picks up the red accents she has in the room. Wish we would have still been around to see it, but spoke to her today and she says she likes it, so that's good. She is very happy to have Bella back, and of course that's where she belongs, but I have to say, I miss that little pup! She is definitely a "keeper" and is welcome to visit Grammy and Grampy anytime - as is Ally, oh, and you kids, too of course - ha ha.

This will be a busy week at work, and of course that makes time fly. Now that I'm in the Staffing Dept. at Hawoth, one of my jobs is to call to get references for people who apply for jobs. I'm one of those annoying people who call you when someone lists you as a reference on their resume. Actually, most people are very nice. I'm glad I do some other different things in my job, too, though - I don't like talking on the phone all day unless it's with my friends or family!

Scott and I have been attending a 4-session retirement planning workshop that Herman Miller is sponsoring on Tuesday evenings. We have two sessions left. Learning a lot, so hopefully we'll have all the money we need in retirement - I've always considered money just a means to an end, but of course we at least would like to have enough to be comfortable. What I'm really looking forward to is having the time to do what I WANT TO DO, like volunteering, traveling (especially anxious to visit Tuscany), and maybe even starting my own little business. I can't believe we're this close - we both hope to retire at age 62, so only a few years to go....

Well, loved ones, have a good week. I just commented on Brenda's blog that it's probably time for another family breakfast, maybe not this coming Saturday, but maybe the next? That would be January 30. I love DeBoer's, or maybe we could try the "new" Jackie's Place? Let me know what you think.....

Monday, January 4, 2010

That Silly Bella

We've enjoyed having Bella at our house recently. She's quite a character, and has been giving us lots of laughs. Now that she's getting older, she sleeps through the night, and is usually very good, and quite the cuddler. But most every evening she still usually behaves like a "whirling dervish" for a few minutes before she settles down for the night. She also has a bit of a tendancy to leave the yard occasionally when we throw bumpers for her to retrieve. (Chessies are known for having a stubborn streak, even though they make great family pets.)

So, for her protection and to train her not to leave the yard, Scott bought a shock collar that he puts on her when she goes outside. Let's just say that she is a quick learner. Just hearing the beap that signifies a (harmless) shock might be coming is usually enough to get her to behave, so Scott rarely has to actually push the shock button. Well, ordinarily we don't use the shock collar when she's in the house, but last night she happened to be extra feisty and we decided we were tired of telling her to leave my resin angel alone (she likes to put things in her mouth). So, we put the shock collar on her and when she went for that angel one too many times, she got a nice little poke, followed by a yelp on her part. I was sitting on the couch and she ran straight for my lap and there she sat, as if to say, "I'm sorry." Then, she headed Scott's way. He was sitting in his chair. Not only did she want to get on his lap for comfort, she wanted to crawl on his head, and actually lay around his neck like a fur collar! She sat that way for about 20 minutes. It was too funny.

I've also added a pic of her when she was younger - look how much she's grown!